Tuesday, December 29, 2009


As I have mentioned before, I love, love, love the store Sephora, so I thought what better way to spend my time in the store I love then work there and get paid and get a discount (of course). I filled out an application some time after my birthday and shortly before Thanksgiving, I got a call for an interview for a part-time seasonal position. After my second interview I received an offer as a Sephora "Castmember" (classy, I know) working the cashwrap (cashwrap=fancy for cash register) and my first day was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. This job was my first experience with retail and I must say, I was a little scared to come to work on the second day, which happened to be BLACK FRIDAY. Yeah, I'll say it again, my second day at my first retail job was black freaking friday. And you know what, I worked that cashwrap like a pro. Not only have I absorbed a ton of useful information, I've met a ton of really cool people/co-workers that I can now call my friends. And...word on the street is that I'm going to be hired on as a permanent!
For the longest time I have been trying to figure out why the words on my blog were not showing up. I had messed around with the layout and thought that may have had something to do with it. Since I'm at work, and it's REALLY slow, I decided to mess around with it and figure out what was wrong. And it wasn't very hard. Turns out somehow my font color got changed to the same color as my back ground color and the words were blending in. Problem solved and it only took 2 minutes after waiting 3 months.

So a lot has changed since I last posted. First of all, I got my results from the LSAT back. They were supposed to be available on Monday, October 19. Well on Saturday the 17th, we are heading home from the gym at 8:30 p.m. (yeah, we had big plans) and we pull into the drive way. I get an email on my iphone and decide to look at it before going inside. Not thinking that it would be my LSAT results because clearly, it's not Monday, I look at the email thinking it will be instructions or a password to get my results or something....just not the actual results. I. Was. Wrong. I look at the email and it says I got a 141. Right at that moment a tear fell and I said, "I think I am just going to sit here for a minute." And that was it. I gave up on not telling people my score because EVERYONE and their mom were asking me what I got. Nevermind the fact I told them before I took it that if I don't come up to you jumping up and down to tell you my score then DON'T ask.

It's almost January now and I haven't decided exactly what I am going to do. I will either take the LSAT again in June or start getting everything ready to begin applying to schools next year. Haven't decided and at this point, I'm not all that worried about it. I no longer feel the need to complete goals based on when other people are completing theirs.